събота, 27 юни 2009 г.


Today is my last day in Varna... On 1st July, I am about to start roughly 6-month travelling of mine abroad. It is a pity that I am leaving the city during the summertime but hopefully I will create a summertime of my own wherever I am.
I am not even sure why I am writing this weird blog in English, probably it is easier and not that scarry to express yourelf in another language rather than your own. I will check this out for sure.
So here is a short summary of where and why I am going to be:

In January, 2009, I applied for the so called Global Leadership Program organized by the American Global Institute for Leadership and Civic Development. (http://www.globalleaders.info/) It is an educational program based on the theories of leadership and human rights. It is an anual one which takes place in Prague, the Czech Republic every summer. Only 50 people are selected around the whole world. Probably you have never heard about the program as its marketing and promotion has limited coverage due to the high level of education and the strict selection of students. The selection process consisted of an application form (including essay of your motivation,additional questions+ CV) and consequently a personal interview via skype.
I was lucky to be selected as a participant and be given a partial scholarship (generally the program costs 4200$,as I was given 3000$ by the organizers and the rest of 1200$ had to be found by myself). It is not too much but it is not too little. I received support letters from the program director whose purpose was to help me to find the rest of the money by asking municipalities, rich people or companies. Bulgarians are not famous for its generosity and this was proved again(it is kind of paradox, mos of the time poor people donate while rich ones do not) (at least municipalities and companies had the excuse of the global economic crisis which meaning I doubt they even know). Anyway, I was saving and saving :) and paid the fee somehow. I am living by the motto that money can be earned,but good chances never come back.
I am the only Bulgarian and Eastern Europen participating into the program this year(and the second or the third Bulgarian being into this program ever). The majority of participants are from Australia,the USA and also from some exotic countries like Mexico, North Korea, Vietnam, Panama etc.
I am going to have two-subject course consisting of "Philosophies of Leadership" and "Comparative Politics" (and hopefully I will pass my exams in the end of July so that I can get my credits and certificate:)
I do not want to write my expectations prior, I will put them here when they are lived up to :)
During my stay there, I am planning to visit Vienna,Dresden and also go around the Czech Republic and sink into Czech lifestyle and culture.
I am going back to Sofia on 2nd August, have a rest,chill out,sunbathing. On 23th August, I have my flight to Brussels where I am going to be an Erasmus exchange student in Karel De Grote Hogeschool, Antwerpen (the diamond capital of Europe) till the end of 2009.

I feel eager,passionate, excited and full of energy to explore my way. I do not go to look for myself on the road,(because I already found myself there:) neither get to know me more but to abolish the limits of human decency and prison of mind.
This is not a beginning,not an end,it is just a continuation...


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